Overhauling a centrifugal compressors
CENTRIFUGAL compressors, being a Dynamic compression machine, are highly prone to surging during high lift conditions which can lead to mechanical failures. There are many other operational conditions which can adversely affect reliability of centrifugal compressors necessitating major intervention and overhauling.
At WEATHER MAKERS, our team is highly competent & professional in re-conditioning & overhauling of CENTRIFUGAL compressors following OEM standards.
We source genuine parts from respective OEMs and offer to perform overhauling economically at a very competitive price saving you money and unscheduled downtime.
Centrifugal compressors of different OEMs vary widely in drive train technology and our team is well trained to trouble shoot all types of centrifugal compressors and perform any major interventions.

These compressors of Direct drive low speed type and Gear driven high speed type have different failure modes during extreme operating conditions. Weather makers Team follow OEM standards to perform reactive or proactive overhauling using genuine parts.
Our competent technicians will go through the history and logged parameters and perform a thorough inspection of disassembled components and submit a comprehensive report with cost of repair.
Our highly skilled team can perform major/ minor interventional overhauling and re-operation of all types and makes of centrifugal compressors such OEMs as TRANE, CARRIER & YORK.
WEATHERMAKERS have a long history of successful compressor rebuilds and major interventions benefitting many customers.
We offer 6 months warranty for any workmanship or parts failure.