Reconditioning and reoperation of screw compressors
Screw compressors are overhauled by our professional team at WEATHER MAKERS, exceeding OEM standards while ensuring cost-effective solutions. We offer competitive pricing that helps you save money and prevent unscheduled downtime.
Our team can perform overhauling of screw compressors on-site or at our facility.
Our technicians will disassemble and perform a thorough inspection of compressors components. An inspection report will then be submitted to you with a list of all the components required, and details of machining necessary to repair any damage found.
Components that do not pass inspection will be replaced with genuine parts.
Cost of compressor re-build will be included in the report together with photographs of your compressor.

Compressor will be re-painted, pressure tested and returned to you in as-new with a 6 Month warranty. Before shipping the compressor will be sealed with positive Nitrogen pressure. We can also offer to take-up compressor removal from chiller, rigging, re-installation and start-up services for your re-build.
Our team is competent to perform overhauling and re-operation of screw compressors on all brands like Trane, York, Carrier etc..)
Our remanufacturing team’s final seal of approval confirms that a WEATHER MAKERS -reconditioned compressor will perform reliably for years to come.
Our offer will include a standard Six-month warranty, however other warranty options are available.